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Elemeno is a content management platform that lets you create and manage content and deliver it to any device using a RESTful API.

Single Items

Single Items are items that stand alone and do not belong to a collection. They have their own unique content model, and the item is returned via the API as a single resource. Single items are perfect for things like “About Us” or “Contact” pages on a website, or the landing screen of an application. Any content that will exist on its own can be thought of as a Single Item.


Collections are collections of multiple items with the same content model. Items are returned from the API as an array and each item can be accessed individually via its ID or “slug”. Collections also support filtering so you can find a specific subset of items from a collection based on your query parameters.

Content Models

Every item, whether it is a Single Item or part of a Collection, is based on a Content Model. This Content Model defines the item’s content structure and the type of inputs used to create an item. You can think of Content Models as the template for creating items.


When you create a new Single Item or Collection, you are presented with an interface for creating a content model. This is essentially a blank slate with a list of all the input types on the right side of the screen. Simply drag an input type onto the screen to add an input to your content model. Click on any of your inputs to edit that input’s settings. You can also drag your inputs up and down by their handle to reorganize your content model. If you need to remove an input, simply click the red “x” button on an input.


Collections will start with a “Title” input which will be linked to the item’s title attribute when creating an item. However, you can rename this field, or hide it altogether if you would prefer to leave your items in this collection untitled. For example, if you had a collection of Authors you may want to rename the title field to “Name” so that it makes more sense for that collection.


You can edit a content model at any point. However, the changes that you make may impact the structure of the items returned by the API, or the content for existing items may become inaccessible.


Input Types

There are a variety of input types to choose from when defining your content models. Each input has its own settings, validations, and API output. Below is a list of input types currently available, however more inputs will be added in the future to help capture a wider variety of data.


API results for groups will look something like:

    "author": {
        "name": "Mark Twain",
        "bio": "An American author and humorist ..."
stdClass Object
    ["author"] => stdClass Object
            ["name"] => "Mark Twain"
            ["bio"] => "An American author and humorist ..."
    "author" => {
        "name" => "Mark Twain",
        "slug" => "An American author and humorist ..."
    "author": {
        "name": "Mark Twain",
        "bio": "An American author and humorist ..."

API results for repeating groups will return an array of items:

    "authors": [
            "name": "Mark Twain",
            "bio": "An American author and humorist ..."
            "name": "Jane Austen",
            "bio": "An English novelist ..."
stdClass Object
    ["authors"] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    ["name"] => "Mark Twain"
                    ["bio"] => "An American author and humorist ..."

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    ["name"] => "Jane Austen"
                    ["bio"] => "An English novelist ..."
    "authors" => [
            "name" => "Mark Twain",
            "bio" => "An American author and humorist ..."
            "name" => "Jane Austen",
            "bio" => "An English novelist ..."
    "authors": [
            "name": "Mark Twain",
            "bio": "An American author and humorist ..."
            "name": "Jane Austen",
            "bio": "An English novelist ..."

The Input Group allows you to group multiple inputs under a single heading. You can also enable the “repeatable” option to create a repeating group of inputs.


If you were creating a collection of books you might use a group to group all of the inputs related to the author. Things like the author’s name, bio, and picture could all be grouped together. If some books in your collection have multiple authors you may want to make your authors group repeatable so that when you’re creating items for your collection you will have the option to add multiple authors.

Plain Text

API results for Plain Text fields will look something like:

    "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
stdClass Object
    ["title"] => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
    "title" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
    "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"

The Plain Text field supports plain text strings. The Plain Text field has an optional setting to allow for multi-line input.


Name Description
Min Length The minimum number of characters the field will accept
Max Length The maximum number of characters the field will accept
Matches Pattern The text pattern the content must match


API results for Markdown fields will look something like:

    "description": {
        "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
        "html": "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer</p>"
stdClass Object
    ["description"] => stdClass Object
            ["markdown"] => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
            ["html"] => "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer</p>"
    "description" => {
        "markdown" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
        "html" => "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer</p>"
    "description": {
        "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
        "html": "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer</p>"

The Markdown field is a multi-line text area that supports Markdown formatting.


Name Description
Min Length The minimum number of characters the field will accept
Max Length The maximum number of characters the field will accept


API results for Number fields will look something like:

    "price": {
        "string": "25.50",
        "number": 25.5
stdClass Object
    ["price"] => stdClass Object
            ["string"] => "25.50"
            ["number"] => 25.5
    "price" => {
        "string" => "25.50",
        "number" => 25.5
    "price": {
        "string": "25.50",
        "number": 25.5

The Number field is single line field that only accepts numbers. The “Number of Decimal Places” setting will dictate the number of decimal places for the number. The API will return two values for the number field.

Value Description
string The number with specified number of decimal places
number The number will only significant numbers to the right of the decimal point


Name Description
Min Value The minimum value the field will accept
Max Value The maximum value the field will accept

API results for Drop Down fields will look something like:

    "category": {
        "label": "Fiction",
        "value": "cat15"
stdClass Object
    ["category"] => stdClass Object
            "label" => "Fiction"
            "value" => "cat15"
    "category" => {
        "label" => "Fiction",
        "value" => "cat15"
    "category": {
        "label": "Fiction",
        "value": "cat15"

The Drop Down field is a select list field which allows users to select a single option from list of options. The API will return an object with two values:

Value Description
label This is the text displayed to the user for the selected option
value This hidden value associated with the selected option

Check List

API results for Check List fields will look something like:

    "features": [
            "label": "Hard Cover",
            "value": "feature-hard-cover",
            "checked": true
            "label": "Gilded Pages",
            "value": "feature-gilded",
            "checked": false
stdClass Object
    ["features"] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    ["label"] => "Hard Cover"
                    ["value"] => "feature-hard-cover"
                    ["checked"] => true

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    ["label"] => "Gilded Pages"
                    ["value"] => "feature-gilded"
                    ["checked"] => false
    "features" => [
            "label" => "Hard Cover",
            "value" => "feature-hard-cover",
            "checked" => true
            "label" => "Gilded Pages",
            "value" => "feature-gilded",
            "checked" => false
    "features": [
            "label": "Hard Cover",
            "value": "feature-hard-cover",
            "checked": true
            "label": "Gilded Pages",
            "value": "feature-gilded",
            "checked": false

The Check List field is list of checkboxes that allows the user to select multiple values. The value returned by the API will be an array of objects with three values:

Value Description
label This is the text displayed to the user for the selected option
value This hidden value associated with the selected option
checked If the item is checked or not


API results for Switch fields will look something like:

    "active": false
stdClass Object
    ["active"] => false
    "active" => false
    "active": false

The Switch field is a simple on/off switch that represents a boolean value. The API will return a boolean value of true if the switch is on (green), or false if the switch is off (red).

Image Picker

API results for Image Picker fields will look something like:

    "coverImage": {
        "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:10:09.539Z",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:09.539Z",
        "title": "Tom Sawyer Cover Image",
        "fileSize": "887126",
        "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
        "metaData": {
            "width": 4000,
            "height": 2248,
            "colors": {
                "dominant": {
                    "rgb": {
                        "r": 53,
                        "g": 45,
                        "b": 39
                    "hex": "352D27",
                    "isLight": false
                "palette": null
            "alternativeText": null,
            "copyrightInformation": null,
            "exifData": {
                "CreateDate": "2016:03:04 18:19:40",
                "Make": "Panasonic",
                "Model": "DMC-GF1",
                "FNumber": 1.7,
                "FocalLength": 20,
                "ExposureTime": 0.02,
                "ISO": 400,
                "GPSLatitudeRef": null,
                "GPSLatitude": null,
                "GPSLongitudeRef": null,
                "GPSLongitude": null,
                "GPSAltitudeRef": null,
                "GPSAltitude": null
        "tags": [],
        "imageUrl": "",
        "thumbnails": {
            "small": "",
            "large": ""
stdClass Object
    ["coverImage"] => stdClass Object
            ["dateCreated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:09.539Z"
            ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:09.539Z"
            ["title"] => "Tom Sawyer Cover Image"
            ["fileSize"] => "887126"
            ["mimeType"] => "image/jpeg"
            ["metaData"] => stdClass Object
                    ["width"] => 4000
                    ["height"] => 2248
                    ["colors"] => stdClass Object
                            ["dominant"] => stdClass Object
                                    "rgb" => stdClass Object
                                            ["r"] => 53
                                            ["g"] => 45
                                            ["b"] => 39
                                    "hex" => "352D27"
                                    "isLight" => false
                            ["palette"] => null
                    ["alternativeText"] => null
                    ["copyrightInformation"] => null
                    ["exifData"] => stdClass Object
                            ["CreateDate"] => "2016:03:04 18:19:40"
                            ["Make"] => "Panasonic"
                            ["Model"] => "DMC-GF1"
                            ["FNumber"] => 1.7
                            ["FocalLength"] => 20
                            ["ExposureTime"] => 0.02
                            ["ISO"] => 400
                            ["GPSLatitudeRef"] => null
                            ["GPSLatitude"] => null
                            ["GPSLongitudeRef"] => null
                            ["GPSLongitude"] => null
                            ["GPSAltitudeRef"] => null
                            ["GPSAltitude"] => null
            ["tags"] => Array
            ["imageUrl"] => ""
            ["thumbnails"] => stdClass Object
                    "small": ""
                    "large": ""
    "coverImage" => {
        "dateCreated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:09.539Z",
        "dateUpdated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:09.539Z",
        "title" => "Tom Sawyer Cover Image",
        "fileSize" => "887126",
        "mimeType" => "image/jpeg",
        "metaData" => {
            "width" => 4000,
            "height" => 2248,
            "colors" => {
                "dominant" => {
                    "rgb" => {
                        "r" => 53,
                        "g" => 45,
                        "b" => 39
                    "hex" => "352D27",
                    "isLight" => false
                "palette" => null
            "alternativeText" => null,
            "copyrightInformation" => null,
            "exifData" => {
                "CreateDate" => "2016:03:04 18:19:40",
                "Make" => "Panasonic",
                "Model" => "DMC-GF1",
                "FNumber" => 1.7,
                "FocalLength" => 20,
                "ExposureTime" => 0.02,
                "ISO" => 400,
                "GPSLatitudeRef" => null,
                "GPSLatitude" => null,
                "GPSLongitudeRef" => null,
                "GPSLongitude" => null,
                "GPSAltitudeRef" => null,
                "GPSAltitude" => null
        "tags" => [],
        "imageUrl" => "",
        "thumbnails" => {
            "small" => "",
            "large" => ""
    "coverImage": {
        "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:10:09.539Z",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:09.539Z",
        "title": "Tom Sawyer Cover Image",
        "fileSize": "887126",
        "mimeType": "image/jpeg",
        "metaData": {
            "width": 4000,
            "height": 2248,
            "colors": {
                "dominant": {
                    "rgb": {
                        "r": 53,
                        "g": 45,
                        "b": 39
                    "hex": "352D27",
                    "isLight": false
                "palette": null
            "alternativeText": null,
            "copyrightInformation": null,
            "exifData": {
                "CreateDate": "2016:03:04 18:19:40",
                "Make": "Panasonic",
                "Model": "DMC-GF1",
                "FNumber": 1.7,
                "FocalLength": 20,
                "ExposureTime": 0.02,
                "ISO": 400,
                "GPSLatitudeRef": null,
                "GPSLatitude": null,
                "GPSLongitudeRef": null,
                "GPSLongitude": null,
                "GPSAltitudeRef": null,
                "GPSAltitude": null
        "tags": [],
        "imageUrl": "",
        "thumbnails": {
            "small": "",
            "large": ""

The Image Picker field allows you to select an image from your existing image files, or upload a new image file. The Image Picker settings allow you to define thumbnails which will be auto-generated and a full URL will be returned in the API results for each thumbnail defined.

Thumbnail Settings

Value Description
width The width of the generated thumbnail in pixels
height The height of the generated thumbnail in pixels
Crop Type: contain The image will be resized to fit within the dimensions specified. No cropping will occur.
Crop Type: cover The image will be resized so the entire area defined by the dimensions is covered by the image. Cropping will likely occur.

File Picker

API results for File Picker fields will looks something like:

    "digitalDownload": {
        "dateCreated": "2016-05-11T14:05:50.917Z",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-11T14:05:50.917Z",
        "title": "Tom Sawyer PDF",
        "fileSize": "6553600",
        "mimeType": "text/pdf",
        "metaData": null,
        "tags": [],
        "fileUrl": ""
stdClass Object
    ["digitalDownload"] => stdClass Object
            ["dateCreated"] => "2016-05-11T14:05:50.917Z"
            ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-05-11T14:05:50.917Z"
            ["title"] => "Tom Sawyer PDF"
            ["fileSize"] => "6553600"
            ["mimeType"] => "text/pdf"
            ["metaData"] => null
            ["tags"] =>  => Array
            ["fileUrl"] => ""
    "digitalDownload" => {
        "dateCreated" => "2016-05-11T14:05:50.917Z",
        "dateUpdated" => "2016-05-11T14:05:50.917Z",
        "title" => "Tom Sawyer PDF",
        "fileSize" => "6553600",
        "mimeType" => "text/pdf",
        "metaData" => null,
        "tags" => [],
        "fileUrl" => ""
    "digitalDownload": {
        "dateCreated": "2016-05-11T14:05:50.917Z",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-11T14:05:50.917Z",
        "title": "Tom Sawyer PDF",
        "fileSize": "6553600",
        "mimeType": "text/pdf",
        "metaData": null,
        "tags": [],
        "fileUrl": ""

The File Picker field allows you to upload a new file or select a one from your existing files. The File Picker settings allow you to specify the type of file that can be selected with the input. The API will return a URL for the file hosted on our CDN (content delivery network).

Date and Time

API results for Date and Time fields will looks something like:

    "dateOnly": "2016-05-12",
    "timeOnly": "12:10",
    "dateAndTime": "2016-05-12T16:10:00+00:00"
stdClass Object
    ["dateOnly"] => "2016-05-12"
    ["timeOnly"] => "12:10"
    ["dateAndTime"] => "2016-05-12T16:10:00+00:00"
    "dateOnly" => "2016-05-12",
    "timeOnly" => "12:10",
    "dateAndTime" => "2016-05-12T16:10:00+00:00"
    "dateOnly": "2016-05-12",
    "timeOnly": "12:10",
    "dateAndTime": "2016-05-12T16:10:00+00:00"

The Date and Time field allows you to easily select date and time values. The settings allow you to choose from three different variations of the Date and Time input.


Name Description Example
Date Only Select a calendar date May 12, 2016
Time Only Select a time 12:10 PM
Date and Time Select a specific moment in time May 12, 2016 12:10PM EDT

Date and Time Variation

When using the Date and Time variation of the input, you are selecting a specific moment in time. From the interface you will select a point in time based on your current time zone. From the API, Date and Time values will be returned in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). If two different users in different time zone look at an item with a Date and Time field, they will see the moment in time converted to their local time zone. I.e., the value displayed will be different for each user, but the value will represent the same moment in time for each user.


API results for Relationship fields will look something like:

"data": {
    "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
    "slug": "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
    "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
    "content": {
        "author": {
            "id": "2d50a6c0-96d8-11e6-b55a-af4571cd322c",
            "title": "Mark Twain",
            "slug": "mark-twain",
            "content": {
                "bio": {
                    "markdown": "An American author and humorist ...",
                    "html": "<p>An American author and humorist ...</p>"
            "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:10:10.678Z",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-05-16T15:16:35.359Z",
            "datePublished": "2016-05-16T15:16:35.359Z",
            "published": true,
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "collection": ""
["data"] => stdClass Object
        ["id"] => "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475"
        ["slug"] => "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer"
        ["title"] => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
        ["content"] => stdClass Object
                ["author"] => stdClass Object
                        ["id"] => "2d50a6c0-96d8-11e6-b55a-af4571cd322c"
                        ["title"] => "Mark Twain"
                        ["slug"] => "mark-twain"
                        ["content"] => stdClass Object
                                ["bio"] => stdClass Object
                                        ["markdown"] => "An American author and humorist ..."
                                        ["html"] => "<p>An American author and humorist ...</p>"
                        ["dateCreated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:10.678Z"
                        ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-05-16T15:16:35.359Z"
                        ["datePublished"] => "2016-05-16T15:16:35.359Z"
                        ["published"] => true
                        ["links"] => stdClass Object
                                "self": ""
                                "collection": ""
"data" => {
    "id" => "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
    "slug" => "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
    "title" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
    "content" => {
        "author" => {
            "id" => "2d50a6c0-96d8-11e6-b55a-af4571cd322c",
            "title" => "Mark Twain",
            "slug" => "mark-twain",
            "content" => {
                "bio" => {
                    "markdown" => "An American author and humorist ...",
                    "html" => "<p>An American author and humorist ...</p>"
            "dateCreated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:10.678Z",
            "dateUpdated" => "2016-05-16T15:16:35.359Z",
            "datePublished" => "2016-05-16T15:16:35.359Z",
            "published" => true,
            "links" => {
                "self" => "",
                "collection" => ""
"data": {
    "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
    "slug": "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
    "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
    "content": {
        "author": {
            "id": "2d50a6c0-96d8-11e6-b55a-af4571cd322c",
            "title": "Mark Twain",
            "slug": "mark-twain",
            "content": {
                "bio": {
                    "markdown": "An American author and humorist ...",
                    "html": "<p>An American author and humorist ...</p>"
            "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:10:10.678Z",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-05-16T15:16:35.359Z",
            "datePublished": "2016-05-16T15:16:35.359Z",
            "published": true,
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "collection": ""

The Relationship field allows you to include items from another collection within your content items. When creating the relationship field you select which collection your content model is related to, and the input field will allow you to quickly search for items within that collection. The results from the API will have the related item embedded within your content item.

For example you could have a collection of authors, and a collection of books. Each content item from the books collection could include a relationship to a content item from the authors collection. This allows you to easily create one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships between content models.


The Elemeno API is a RESTful API accessed via HTTP. This means that you can access your content via simple, straightforward HTTP requests from any platform or device that can communicate via HTTP. We are building libraries for a variety of popular programming languages and frameworks which will make working with the API even easier.


The Elemeno API is available via SSL. All requests should be performed using the https: protocol, when possible.


var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');
require "elemeno"

elemeno ='YOUR-API-KEY-HERE')
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"

All requests to the API must include one of your project’s API keys.

API Keys

You can generate API Keys within the settings section of the Elemeno web app. We recommend generating a separate API Key for each of your websites and applications. For example, you might have a different API Key for your website, iOS application, Android application, and Arduino prototype. This separation provides more security, finer grain control, and more visibility into which applications are making the most requests to the API. API Keys have a type setting that can be either Production or Staging.

Production Keys

Production keys only have access to published content. This type of key is to be used with your live environment. Requests made with production keys are optimized for performance and will have reduced latency.

Staging Keys

Staging keys have access to both unpublished and published content. This type of key can be used during testing, or on a staging site, to preview content. Requests made with staging keys are not optimized for performance and will have slower response times.

All Single Items

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

elemeno.getSingles(function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

require "elemeno"

elemeno ='YOUR-API-KEY-HERE')

singles = elemeno.getSingles(options)

puts singles
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"

An example response (truncated for simplicity):

    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "id": "6e30f490-0bb1-11e6-900b-7f6d43d3f6e0",
            "slug": "about-us",
            "title": "About Us",
            "projectId": "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
            "dateCreated": "2016-04-26T13:18:56.704Z",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-04-29T15:59:26.276Z",
            "links": {
                "self": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": "",
        "next": null,
        "prev": null
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 2,
        "pageSize": 50
stdClass Object
    ["status"] => "success"
    ["data"] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    ["id"] => "6e30f490-0bb1-11e6-900b-7f6d43d3f6e0"
                    ["slug"] => "about-us"
                    ["title"] => "About Us"
                    ["projectId"] => "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3"
                    ["dateCreated"] => "2016-04-26T13:18:56.704Z"
                    ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-04-29T15:59:26.276Z"
                    ["links"] => stdClass Object
                            ["self"] =>""

    ["links"] => Array
            ["self"] => ""
            ["first"] => ""
            ["last"] => ""
            ["next"] => null
            ["prev"] => null
    ["meta"] = stdClass Object
            ["totalRecords"] => 2
            ["pageSize"] => 50
    "status" => "success",
    "data" => [
            "id" => "6e30f490-0bb1-11e6-900b-7f6d43d3f6e0",
            "slug" => "about-us",
            "title" => "About Us",
            "projectId" => "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
            "dateCreated" => "2016-04-26T13:18:56.704Z",
            "dateUpdated" => "2016-04-29T15:59:26.276Z",
            "links" => {
                "self" => ""
    "links" => {
        "self" => "",
        "first" => "",
        "last" => "",
        "next" => null,
        "prev" => null
    "meta" => {
        "totalRecords" => 2,
        "pageSize" => 50
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "id": "6e30f490-0bb1-11e6-900b-7f6d43d3f6e0",
            "slug": "about-us",
            "title": "About Us",
            "projectId": "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
            "dateCreated": "2016-04-26T13:18:56.704Z",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-04-29T15:59:26.276Z",
            "links": {
                "self": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": "",
        "next": null,
        "prev": null
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 2,
        "pageSize": 50

Retrieve an array of all Single Items.

Specific Single Item

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

elemeno.getSingle('YOUR-ITEM-SLUG-HERE', function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

require "elemeno"

elemeno ='YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

single = elemeno.getSingle('YOUR-ITEM-SLUG-HERE')

puts single
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"

An example response (truncated for simplicity):

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "id": "6e30f490-0bb1-11e6-900b-7f6d43d3f6e0",
        "slug": "about-us",
        "title": "About Us",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-10T12:59:48.699Z",
        "datePublished": "2016-05-11T14:23:13.452Z",
        "content": {
            "headline": "The Best Books!",
    "links": {
        "self": ""
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 1

Retrieve a specific Single Item along with its content.

All Collections

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

elemeno.getCollections(function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

require "elemeno"

collections = elemeno.getCollections()

puts collections
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"

An example response (truncated for simplicity):

    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "id": "fe4f04c2-1b6a-11e6-9883-ab6703adb701",
            "slug": "books",
            "title": "Books",
            "projectId": "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
            "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "items": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": "",
        "next": null,
        "prev": null
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 4,
        "pageSize": 20
stdClass Object
    ["status"] => "success"
    ["data"] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    ["id"] => "fe4f04c2-1b6a-11e6-9883-ab6703adb701"
                    ["slug"] => "books"
                    ["title"] => "Books"
                    ["projectId"] => "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3"
                    ["dateCreated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z"
                    ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z"
                    ["links"] => stdClass Object
                            "self" => ""
                            "items" => ""
    ["links"] => stdClass Object
            ["self"] => ""
            ["first"] => ""
            ["last"] => ""
            ["next"] => null
            ["prev"] => null
    ["meta"] => stdClass Object
            "totalRecords" => 4
            "pageSize" => 20
    "status" => "success",
    "data" => [
            "id" => "fe4f04c2-1b6a-11e6-9883-ab6703adb701",
            "slug" => "books",
            "title" => "Books",
            "projectId" => "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
            "dateCreated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
            "dateUpdated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
            "links" => {
                "self" => "",
                "items" => ""
    "links" => {
        "self" => "",
        "first" => "",
        "last" => "",
        "next" => null,
        "prev" => null
    "meta" => {
        "totalRecords" => 4,
        "pageSize" => 20
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "id": "fe4f04c2-1b6a-11e6-9883-ab6703adb701",
            "slug": "books",
            "title": "Books",
            "projectId": "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
            "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "items": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": "",
        "next": null,
        "prev": null
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 4,
        "pageSize": 20

Retrieve an array of all Collections.

Specific Collection

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

elemeno.getCollection('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

require "elemeno"

collection = elemeno.getCollection('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE')

puts collection
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"

An example response:

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "id": "fe4f04c2-1b6a-11e6-9883-ab6703adb701",
        "slug": "books",
        "title": "Books",
        "projectId": "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
        "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
        "links": {
            "self": "",
            "items": ""
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 1
stdClass Object
    ["status"] => "success"
    ["data"] => stdClass Object
            ["id"] => "fe4f04c2-1b6a-11e6-9883-ab6703adb701"
            ["slug"] => "books"
            ["title"] => "Books"
            ["projectId"] => "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3"
            ["dateCreated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z"
            ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z"
            ["links"] => stdClass Object
                    ["self"] => ""
                    ["items"] => ""
    ["meta"] => stdClass Object
            ["totalRecords"] => 1
    "status" => "success",
    "data" => {
        "id" => "fe4f04c2-1b6a-11e6-9883-ab6703adb701",
        "slug" => "books",
        "title" =>"Books",
        "projectId" => "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
        "dateCreated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
        "dateUpdated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
        "links" => {
            "self" => "",
            "items" =>""
    "meta" => {
        "totalRecords" => 1
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "id": "fe4f04c2-1b6a-11e6-9883-ab6703adb701",
        "slug": "books",
        "title": "Books",
        "projectId": "98ce44d2-2985-11e5-8329-93cb1bd92cc3",
        "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.162Z",
        "links": {
            "self": "",
            "items": ""
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 1

Retrieve a specific Collection.

Collection Items

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

elemeno.getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

print_r($elemeno->getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', $options));
require "elemeno"

collectionItems = elemeno.getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', options)

puts collectionItems
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"

An example response (truncated for simplicity):

    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
            "slug": "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
            "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.102Z",
            "datePublished": "2016-05-14T13:14:45.254Z",
            "content": {
                "description": {
                    "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is an 1876 novel...",
                    "html": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is an 1876 novel..."
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "collection": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": "",
        "next": null,
        "prev": null
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 5,
        "pageSize": 50
stdClass Object
    ["status"] => "success"
    ["data"] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    ["id"] => "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475"
                    ["slug"] => "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer"
                    ["title"] => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
                    ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.102Z"
                    ["datePublished"] => "2016-05-14T13:14:45.254Z"
                    ["content"] => stdClass Object
                            ["description"] => stdClass Object
                                    "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is an 1876 novel..."
                                    "html": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is an 1876 novel..."
                    ["links"] => stdClass Object
                            ["self"] => ""
                            ["collection"] => ""

    ["links"] => stdClass Object
            ["self"] => ""
            ["first"] => ""
            ["last"] => ""
            ["next"] => null
            ["prev"] => null
    ["meta"] => stdClass Object
            ["totalRecords"] => 5
            ["pageSize"] => 50
    "status" => "success",
    "data" => [
            "id" => "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
            "slug" => "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
            "title" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
            "dateUpdated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.102Z",
            "datePublished" => "2016-05-14T13:14:45.254Z",
            "content" => {
                "description" => {
                    "markdown" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is an 1876 novel...",
                    "html" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is an 1876 novel..."
            "links" => {
                "self" => "",
                "collection" => ""
    "links" => {
        "self" => "",
        "first" => "",
        "last" => "",
        "next" => null,
        "prev" => null
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords" => 5,
        "pageSize" => 50
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
            "slug": "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
            "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.102Z",
            "datePublished": "2016-05-14T13:14:45.254Z",
            "content": {
                "description": {
                    "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is an 1876 novel...",
                    "html": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is an 1876 novel..."
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "collection": ""
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "first": "",
        "last": "",
        "next": null,
        "prev": null
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 5,
        "pageSize": 50

Retrieve an array of Items within a specific Collection. If there are many Items in a Collection, the results will split into multiple pages. You can request a specific page, and a specific number of items per page.

Requesting a specific page of results with a custom size:

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

var options = {
    page: 2,
    size: 20

elemeno.getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', options, function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

$options = [
    'page' => 2,
    'size' => 20

print_r($elemeno->getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', $options));
require "elemeno"

options = {
    'page': 2,
    'size': 20

collectionItems = elemeno.getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', options)
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"

Supported Query Parameter

Parameter Description
page the page number you are requesting
size the number of items to be returned per page (Min: 1, Max: 100, Default: 50)

For example, if your collection had 210 items and you requested a size of 20 items per page, there would be 11 pages of results but the last page would only contain 10 items.

Collection Item

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

elemeno.getCollectionItem('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', 'YOUR-ITEM-SLUG-HERE', function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

print_r($elemeno->getCollectionItem('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', 'YOUR-ITEM-SLUG-HERE'));
require "elemeno"

collectionItem = elemeno.getCollectionItem('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', 'YOUR-ITEM-SLUG-HERE')

puts collectionItem
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"

An example response (truncated for simplicity):

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
        "slug": "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
        "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-16T13:53:39.102Z",
        "datePublished": "2016-05-16T13:55:35.234Z",
        "content": {
            "description": {
                "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is an 1876 novel...",
                "html": "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is an 1876 novel...</p>"
        "links": {
            "self": "",
            "collection": ""
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 1
stdClass Object
    ["status"] => "success"
    ["data"] => stdClass Object
            ["id"] => "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475"
            ["slug"] => "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer"
            ["title"] => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
            ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-05-16T13:53:39.102Z"
            ["datePublished"] => "2016-05-16T13:55:35.234Z"
            ["content"] => stdClass Object
                    ["description"] => stdClass Object
                            ["markdown"] => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is an 1876 novel..."
                            ["html"] => "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is an 1876 novel...</p>"
            "links" => stdClass Object
                    ["self"] => ""
                    ["collection"] => ""
    ["meta"] => stdClass Object
            ["totalRecords"] => 1
    "status" => "success",
    "data" => {
        "id" => "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
        "slug" => "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
        "title" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
        "dateUpdated" => "2016-05-16T13:53:39.102Z",
        "datePublished" => "2016-05-16T13:55:35.234Z",
        "content" => {
            "description" => {
                "markdown" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is an 1876 novel...",
                "html" => "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is an 1876 novel...</p>"
        "links" => {
            "self" => "",
            "collection" => ""
    "meta" => {
        "totalRecords" => 1
    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
        "slug": "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
        "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
        "dateUpdated": "2016-05-16T13:53:39.102Z",
        "datePublished": "2016-05-16T13:55:35.234Z",
        "content": {
            "description": {
                "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is an 1876 novel...",
                "html": "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is an 1876 novel...</p>"
        "links": {
            "self": "",
            "collection": ""
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 1

Retrieve a specific Item from your Collection using your item’s slug. You can also retrieve an Item via its ID by setting the byID option to true.


Sorting Singles

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

var options = {
    sort: {
        $dateUpdated: 'ASC'

elemeno.getSingles(options, function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

$options = [
    'sort' => [
        '$datePublished' => 'ASC'

require "elemeno"

options = {
    'sort': {
        '$dateUpdated': 'ASC'

singles = elemeno.getSingles(options)

puts singles
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"{"$dateUpdated":"ASC"}

Sorting Collections

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

var options = {
    sort: {
        $dateCreated: 'DESC'

elemeno.getCollections(options, function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

$options = [
    'sort' => [
        '$dateCreated' => 'DESC'

require "elemeno"

options = {
    'sort': {
        '$dateCreated': 'DESC'

collections = elemeno.getCollections(options)

puts collections
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"{"$dateCreated":"DESC"}

Sorting Items

var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

var options = {
    sort: {
        $datePublished: 'DESC'

elemeno.getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', options, function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

$options = [
    'sort' => [
        '$datePublished' => 'DESC'

print_r($elemeno->getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', $options));
require "elemeno"

options = {
    'sort': {
        '$datePublished': 'DESC'

collectionItems = elemeno.getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', options)

puts collectionItems
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"{"$datePublished":"DESC"}

By default, content is ordered by dateUpdated in reverse chronological order (newer stuff first). If you would like to return content in a different order, you can use the sort option.

Sort Keyword Description
$dateUpdated This keyword will let you sort by the date the item was updated
$dateCreated This keyword will let you sort by the date created - only for sorting Singles or Collections
$datePublished This keyword will let you sort by the date published - only for sorting Collection Items
Sort Value Description
ASC Short for ascendening - content will be returned in an ascending order
DESC Short for descending - content will be returned in a descending order


var Elemeno = require('elemeno');

var elemeno = new Elemeno('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

var options = {
    filters: {
        $title: {
            $contains: 'adventure'
        coverType: 'hardcover',
        pages: {
            $greaterThan: 200

elemeno.getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', options, function(err, response) {
    console.log(err, response);
$elemeno = new \Elemeno\Client('YOUR-API-KEY-HERE');

$options = [
    'filters' => [
        '$title' => [
            '$contains' => 'adventure'
        'coverType': 'hardcover',
        'pages' => [
            '$greaterThan': 200

print_r($elemeno->getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', $options));
require "elemeno"

options = {
    'filters': {
        '$title': {
            '$contains': 'adventure'
        'coverType': 'hardcover',
        'pages': {
            '$greaterThan': 200

collectionItems = elemeno.getCollectionItems('YOUR-COLLECTION-SLUG-HERE', options)

puts collectionItems
curl -s -H "Authorization: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE"{"$title":{"contains":"adventure"},"coverType":"hardcover",pages":{"$greaterThan":200}}

An example response (truncated for simplicity):

    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
            "slug": "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
            "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.102Z",
            "datePublished": "2016-05-12T15:11:00.342Z",
            "content": {
                "description": {
                    "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is a novel written in 1876...",
                    "html": "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is a novel written in 1876...</p>"
                "coverType": "hardcover",
                "pages": {
                    "string": "256",
                    "number": 256
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "collection": ""
            "id": "2033cc9c-0572-11e6-b578-379c039aa13b",
            "slug": "alices-adventures-in-wonderland",
            "title": "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",
            "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:25:03.002Z",
            "content": {
                "description": {
                    "markdown": "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to _Alice in Wonderland_)",
                    "html": "<p>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to <em>Alice in Wonderland</em>)</p>"
                "coverType": "hardcover",
                "pages": {
                    "string": "448",
                    "number": 448
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "collection": ""
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 2
stdClass Object
    ["status"] => "success"
    ["data"] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    ["id"] => "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475"
                    ["slug"] => "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer"
                    ["title"] => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
                    ["dateUpdated"] => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.102Z"
                    ["datePublished"] => "2016-05-12T15:11:00.342Z"
                    ["content"] => stdClass Object
                            ["description"] => stdClass Object
                                    ["markdown"] => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is a novel written in 1876..."
                                    ["html"] => "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is a novel written in 1876...</p>"
                            ["coverType"] => "hardcover"
                            ["pages"] => stdClass Object
                                    ["string"] => "256"
                                    ["number"] => 256
                    ["links"] => stdClass Object
                            "self" => ""
                            "collection" => ""
            [1] => stdClass Object
                    ["id"] => "2033cc9c-0572-11e6-b578-379c039aa13b"
                    ["slug"] => "alices-adventures-in-wonderland"
                    ["title"] => "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
                    ["dateCreated"] => "2016-05-12T14:25:03.002Z"
                    ["content"] => stdClass Object
                            ["description"] => stdClass Object
                                    ["markdown"] => "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to _Alice in Wonderland_)"
                                    ["html"] => "<p>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to <em>Alice in Wonderland</em>)</p>"
                            ["coverType"] => "hardcover"
                            ["pages"] => stdClass Object
                                    ["string"] => "448"
                                    ["number"] => 448
                    ["links"] => stdClass Object
                            ["self"] => ""
                            ["collection"] => ""
    ["meta"] => stdClass Object
            ["totalRecords"] => 2
    "status" => "success",
    "data" => [
            "id" => "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
            "slug" => "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
            "title" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
            "dateUpdated" => "2016-05-12T14:10:00.102Z",
            "datePublished" => "2016-05-12T15:11:00.342Z",
            "content" => {
                "description" => {
                    "markdown" => "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is a novel written in 1876...",
                    "html" => "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is a novel written in 1876...</p>"
                "coverType": "hardcover",
                "pages": {
                    "string": "256",
                    "number": 256
            "links" => {
                "self" => "",
                "collection" => ""
            "id" => "2033cc9c-0572-11e6-b578-379c039aa13b",
            "slug" => "alices-adventures-in-wonderland",
            "title" => "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",
            "dateCreated" => "2016-05-12T14:25:03.002Z",
            "content" => {
                "description" => {
                    "markdown" => "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to _Alice in Wonderland_)",
                    "html" => "<p>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to <em>Alice in Wonderland</em>)</p>"
                "coverType" => "hardcover",
                "pages" => {
                    "string" => "448",
                    "number" => 448
            "links" => {
                "self" => "",
                "collection" => ""
    "meta" => {
        "totalRecords" => 2
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
            "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
            "slug": "the-adventures-of-tom-sawyer",
            "title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer",
            "dateUpdated": "2016-05-12T14:10:00.102Z",
            "datePublished": "2016-05-12T15:11:00.342Z",
            "content": {
                "description": {
                    "markdown": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by **Mark Twain** is a novel written in 1876...",
                    "html": "<p>The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by <strong>Mark Twain</strong> is a novel written in 1876...</p>"
                "coverType": "hardcover",
                "pages": {
                    "string": "256",
                    "number": 256
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "collection": ""
            "id": "2033cc9c-0572-11e6-b578-379c039aa13b",
            "slug": "alices-adventures-in-wonderland",
            "title": "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",
            "dateCreated": "2016-05-12T14:25:03.002Z",
            "content": {
                "description": {
                    "markdown": "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to _Alice in Wonderland_)",
                    "html": "<p>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to <em>Alice in Wonderland</em>)</p>"
                "coverType": "hardcover",
                "pages": {
                    "string": "448",
                    "number": 448
            "links": {
                "self": "",
                "collection": ""
    "meta": {
        "totalRecords": 2

You will not always want to return every Item from a Collection. Often you will only require a subset of the results, based on some type of filtering. As an example, you may want Items whose title contains a certain keyword or Items that were created between a set of dates. To filter Items within a specific Collection, use the filters option. This will return an array of Items from the specified Collection that match the filters.

Filter Meta Keywords

Title and (creation) date are stored differently than the rest of your content. In order to filter by them, they require the use of meta keywords. This helps avoid confusion with your other input keys.

Filter Keyword Meaning
$title This keyword will allow you to filter by your title, regardless if it has been renamed. If was renamed, you can additionally use that name
$dateUpdated This keyword will allow you to filter by the date updated using a standard date format - This should be a string value
$datePublished This keyword will allow you to filter by the date published using a standard date format - This should be a string value
$timestampUpdated This keyword will allow you to filter by the date updated using the UNIX epoch format (e.g. 1463585225) - This should be a numeric value
$timestampPublished This keyword will allow you to filter by the date published using the UNIX epoch format (e.g. 1463585225) - This should be a numeric value

Filter Operators

Filter Keyword Usage
$not { "$title": { $not: [ "Moby Dick", "The Great Gatsby"] } }
$contains { "$title": { "$contains": "adventure" } }
$startsWith { "$title": { "$startsWith": "The Adventures" } }
$endsWith { "$title": { "$endsWith": "Sawyer" } }
$lessThan { "price": { "$lessThan": 30" } }
< { "price": { "<": 30" } }
$lessThanOrEqual { "price": { "$lessThanOrEqual": 30" } }
<= { "price": { "<=": 30" } }
$greaterThan { "price": { "$greaterThan": 20" } }
> { "price": { ">: 20" } }
$greaterThanOrEqual { "price": { "$greaterThanOrEqual": 20" } }
>= { "price": { ">=": 20" } }

Chaining Filters

It is possible to chain multiple filters. To do this, simply add them to an object:

{ "$title": { "$contains": "Adventure" }, "$dateUpdated": { ">" : "2016-01-01", "lessThanOrEqual": "2020-12-31" } }

Filtering Strings

Inputs that result in string values, $title, Plain Text, Markdown, may use the following filters:

Filter Description
{ "$title": "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" } Exact match - The title matches the value exactly
{ "$title": { "$contains": "adventure" } } Pattern match - The title contains the value “adventure”
{ "$title": { "$startsWith": "The" } } The title starts with “The”
{ "$title": { "$endsWith": "sawyer" } } The title ends with “sawyer”
{ "$title": { "$startsWith: "the", endsWith: "Sawyer" } } Multiple conditions - The title starts with “the” and ends with “Sawyer”
{ "$title": [ "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Moby Dick" ] } The title is one of the items in the array
{ "$title": { $not: [ "Moby Dick", "The Great Gatsby"] } } The title is not one of the items in the array

Filtering Numbers

Inputs that result in number values, Number, may use the following filters:

Filter Description
{ "price": 25.5 } Exact match - The price matches the value exactly
{ "price": { "$lessThan": 30 } } The price is less than 30
{ "price": { "<": 30" } } Less than (short form) - The price is less than 30
{ "price": { "$lessThanOrEqual": 30 } } The price is less than or equal to 30
{ "price": { "<=": 30 } } Less than or equal to (short form) - The price is less than or equal to 30
{ "price": { "$greaterThan": 20 } } The price is greater than 20
{ "price": { ">": 20 } } Greater than (short form) - The price is greater than 20
{ "price": { "$greaterThanOrEqual": 20 } } The price is greater than or equal to 20
{ "price": { ">=": 20 } } Greater than or equal to (short form) - The price is greater than or equal to 20

Filtering Dates

Inputs that result in date values, $dateUpdated, $datePublished, $timestampUpdated,$timestampPublished, Date and Time, may use the following filters. All dates provided must be UTC:

Filter Description
{ "$dateUpdated": "2016-04-01" } Exact match - The date matches the value exactly
{ "$dateUpdated": { "$lessThan": "2020-12-31" } } The date is before December 31, 2020 UTC
{ "$dateUpdated": { "<": "2020-12-31" } } Less than (short form) - The date is before December 31, 2020 UTC
{ "$dateUpdated": { "$lessThanOrEqual": "2020-12-31" } } The date is before or equal to December 31, 2020 UTC
{ "$dateUpdated": { "<=": "2020-12-31" } } Less than or equal to (short form) - The date is before or equal to December 31, 2020 UTC
{ "$datePublished": { "$greaterThan": "2016-04-01" } } The date is after April 1, 2016 UTC
{ "$datePublished": { ">": "2016-04-01" } } Greater than (short form) - The date is after April 1, 2016 UTC
{ "$datePublished": { "$greaterThanOrEqual": "2016-04-01" } } The date is after or equal to April 1, 2016 UTC
{ "$datePublished": { ">=": "2016-04-01" } } Greater than or equal to (short form) - The date is after or equal to April 1, 2016 UTC
{ "$timestampUpdated": { "$greaterThan": 1459526400 } } The date is after April 1, 2016 UTC
{ "$timestampPublished": { "$lessThan": 1609434000 } } The date is before December 31, 2020 UTC

Filtering Drop Down

Filtering drop downs use similar filters to string types

Filter Description
{ "edition": "first" } Exact match - The edition matches the value exactly
{ "edition": { "$contains": "irst" } } Pattern match - The edition contains the value “irst”
{ "edition": { "$startsWith": "fir" } } The edition starts with “fir”
{ "edition": { "$endsWith": "st" } } The edition ends with “st”
{ "edition": { "$startsWith: "fir", endsWith: "st" } } Multiple conditions - The edition starts with “fir” and ends with “st”
{ "edition": [ "first", "second" ] } The edition is one of the items in the array
{ "edition": { $not: [ "third", "fourth" ] } } The edition is not one of the items in the array

Filtering Checklist

Filtering checklists use similar filters to string types, and will only return values if they are checked

Filter Description
{ "edition": "first" } Exact match - The edition matches the value exactly
{ "edition": { "$contains": "irst" } } Pattern match - The edition contains the value “irst”
{ "edition": { "$startsWith": "fir" } } The edition starts with “fir”
{ "edition": { "$endsWith": "st" } } The edition ends with “st”
{ "edition": { "$startsWith: "fir", endsWith: "st" } } Multiple conditions - The edition starts with “fir” and ends with “st”
{ "edition": [ "first", "second" ] } The edition is one of the items in the array
{ "edition": { $not: [ "third", "fourth" ] } } The edition is not one of the items in the array

Filtering Switches

Filter Description
{ "available": true } Exact match - available is true
{ "hardcover": false } Exact match - hardcover is false

Filtering Relationships

Filtering relationships currently onlys supports filtering by id. IE: If a books collection had a relationship to an authors collection, we could filter books by the author id.

Filter Description
{ "author": "2d50a6c0-96d8-11e6-b55a-af4571cd322c" } Exact match - The author id matches the value exactly
{ "author": ["2d50a6c0-96d8-11e6-b55a-af4571cd322c", "727a914a-9abe-11e6-a614-67f95ab6fa5b"] } In array - The author id matches one of the values from the array

Filter Image Picker

Filtering for images has not been implemented. Filtering, based on whether or not an image has been set, will be implemented soon.

Filtering Files

Filtering for files has not been implemented. Filtering, based on whether or not a file has been set, will be implemented soon.

Filtering Groups

Filtering within a group, either non-repeatable or repeatable, is not implemented.


Example Error Response:

    "status": "error",
    "error": {
        "message": "Single Item or API key issue",
        "description": "Single Item with the slug about-uss could not be found or API key does not have the appropriate permissions"
stdClass Object
    ["status"] => "error"
    ["error"] => stdClass Object
            "message" => "Single Item or API key issue"
            "description" => "Single Item with the slug about-uss could not be found or API key does not have the appropriate permissions"
    "status" => "error",
    "error" => {
        "message" => "Single Item or API key issue",
        "description" => "Single Item with the slug about-uss could not be found or API key does not have the appropriate permissions"
    "status": "error",
    "error": {
        "message": "Single Item or API key issue",
        "description": "Single Item with the slug about-uss could not be found or API key does not have the appropriate permissions"

While interacting with Elemeno API you may encounter errors. Below is a list of the most common error status codes and their meanings:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request – Something was wrong with your request. The error message will provide more details.
401 Unauthorized – The API Key provided does not have access to the resource requested.
404 Not Found – The resource requested could not be found. This could mean the item doesn’t exist, or that it’s simply not published.
429 Too Many Requests – You have exceeded the request limit for your project’s current plan.
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.


A Webhook is an HTTP POST that occurs when certain events happen. In Elemeno, you can set up a Webhook to fire when a content item is published, unpublished, or deleted. To do this, go to the Settings screen and create a new Webhook with a name and a URL. You can register multiple Webhooks for different tasks. When a content item is published, unpublished, or deleted, the destination URL will be POSTed with a request.

Webhook Events

Example JSON POST Request to the destination URL:

    "event": "collection.item.published",
    "id": "22e0c474-1b6b-11e6-aec3-d72ab41dc475",
    "link": ""
Event Description
single.item.publish Occurs when a single item is published
single.item.unpublish Occurs when a single item is unpublished
single.item.delete Occurs when a single item is deleted
collection.item.publish Occurs when a collection item is published
collection.item.unpublish Occurs when a collection item is unpublished
collection.item.delete Occurs when a collection item is deleted

Retry Strategy

If a Webhook does not receive a successful response from the destination server, it will be attempted until a successful response is received, once per hour, for up to 3 days. A successful response is one that returns a 2xx status code. All other status codes, including 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx codes will not allow the Webhook to resolve. Elemeno reserves the right to remove any Webhooks that are being used incorrectly or constantly failing.